Plants & Products
Create the landscape you want with a variety of plants, trees, shrubs, and gardening accessories.
- bulbs & seeds
- compost & fertilizer
- gardening tools & supplies
- gift certificates
- grass seed
- hoses & sprinklers
- indoor & outdoor pottery
- landscape pavers & stone
- mulches & soil
- ornamental lawn & garden art
- potting soil
- repellants
- seasonal items
Our inventory changes on a regular basis due to availability and the time of year.
- trees & shrubs
- evergreens
- container gardens
- annuals & perennials
- herbs & veggies
- houseplants
- roses
- fruit trees & berries
- tropicals
- hanging baskets
We carry a full line of plants & products by ferti-lome, Hy-Yield, Natural Guard, Fox Farm, Soil Mender, Monrovia, Proven Winners, and more.

We offer
Gift Certificates!
Any Time, Any Amount, No Expiration!

We've added Water Garden Plants & Products
fish food - floating plants - marginal plants - netting - water lilies - water treatments

- We offer a step-by-step guide to assist you in getting the lawn you’ve always wanted.
- Select either the Premium, Standard or Organic program.